Diversity and inclusion: values and pillars of corporate culture

Iren Group is committed, as evidenced by the corporate mission and values and the Business Plan, to enhancing the diversity present within the Company, providing a healthy work-life balance and improving the quality of the working environment. The aim is to become a team, to add value to the outcome of individual work and to increase a feeling of belonging, creating shared social, cultural, professional and intellectual terrain. For this very reason, the Group has decided to have a “Policy related to Diversity and Inclusion”, which focuses on four main strands: gender, generational, cultural and ability diversity.


Diversity constitutes a value that, in an inclusive logic, promotes the well-being of all: our commitment is to build a corporate community of which each person feels part, in which they can make their own contribution aware of their uniqueness. 

Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion



Policy on Diversity and Inclusion in Iren Group

Policy on Diversity and Inclusion in Iren Group



Policy on dealing with violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace

Policy on dealing with violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace



Where do we stand: the D&I indicators

To verify the level of inclusion achieved and direct its goals, the Group uses a set of monitoring indicators.


Board of Directors

Women comprise 53% of Iren's Board of Directors, significantly above the national average of around 30%.

Year: 2022         Source: Sustainability Report, Management


Out of a total of 10,583 employees, 2,669 are women, corresponding to 25.2%, growing respect to 2021 (25.1%), and to 2020 (24.7%). This increase may also be attributed to the continuation of the generational turnover plan which has seen the inclusion of many women’s resources.


Women also make up 33% of the individuals in the Group working in the IT/engineering field. 


Commitment to the implementation of gender diversity policies has been recognized through the Iren Group's confirmation for the third consecutive year in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI). The index measures gender equality based on five pillars: women’s leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and equal pay between the genders, inclusive culture, policies against harassment and promotion activities towards the women’s world.

Year: 2022        Source: Sustainability Report, Iren in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index - GEI 2022


Out of a total of 1,291 new hires, 297 are women, corresponding to 23%, constantly growing compared to 2021 (19%) and to 2020 (16%). 43% of new hires are under 30. In terms of resignations, women account for 19% of them. 

Year: 2022         Source: Sustainability Report


Out of a total of 489 managers (executives and middle managers) there are 120 women, which corresponds to 24.25% growing respect to 2021 (22.27%). The 'executive' category is made up of 19% women. It should be noted that, also in view of the mainly technical characteristics of the managed activities, the situation is not discriminatory for the women’s component who represents about 38% of the group of executives, middle managers and employees.

Year: 2022        Source: Sustainability Report

Processes to support diversity inclusion

Selection, recruiting, training, management, development and remuneration procedures defined within the Iren Group are strictly focused on merit and competence, with exclusively professional assessment, free from all discrimination.


Since 2021, the Group has adopted a "Policy on Diversity and Inclusion," which focuses at this time on four main strands-gender, generational, cultural, and ability diversity-under the understanding that the context can always determine other forms of exclusion that must, as far as possible, be preventively identified, prevented, and countered.


A specific "Policy on dealing with violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace" has also been established, aimed on the one hand at raising awareness of the complex phenomenon of violence and harassment, and on the other hand at supporting people who are victims of such phenomena, indicating specific channels through which reports of misconduct can be directed.

Year: 2022        Source: Code of Ethics, D&I Policy, Policy Against Harassment

Goals related to diversity inclusion

Gender Diversity is among management’s performance indicators as outlined in the Remuneration Report 2023. In particular, 2 KPIs on Gender Diversity were defined:


  • % women of total employees
  • % women executives and middle managers of total executives and middle managers


The 2030 Business Plan includes a goal concerning generational change (75% of hires/employees under 30) and one concerning gender diversity (30% female managers).

Year: 2022        Source: Remuneration Report, Business Plan

Flexible work

The Group's management policy promotes and supports the correct balance between professional and private life, promoting forms of flexibility in the organization to facilitate people in the performance of their work activities, in relation to their family, health and personal conditions. (flexible working hours, teleworking, smart working, part time, ultra-daily flexibility). Thanks to these experiences of flexibility and the launch of a strong digitalization process in the human resources field, in 2022 the Group has been able to respond effectively to the new needs of the corporate population related to the pandemic and the resulting lockdown, using all forms of conciliation available. 

Year: 2022        Source: Sustainability Report, Code of Ethics

Welfare services

Quality of life is the main objective of corporate welfare activities, understood as the set of initiatives and services made available to employees and their families, which result in the realization of people's well-being, in the workplace and also in private life. The Iren Group therefore promotes, among other things, the importance of a healthy lifestyle and prevention, on which people's psycho-physical well-being depends.

Year: 2022        SourceSustainability Report


In the company, 430 employees (4% of total employees), have disabilities or special needs.

Year: 2022        SourceSustainability Report

Career progression

The policies of selection, recruitment, training, management, development and remuneration are strictly based on criteria of merit and competence, with exclusively professional assessment, without any discrimination. Out of the total number of people who have experienced career advancement, women account for 26% 

Year: 2022        SourceCode of Ethics


More than 98% of employees have participated in at least one training course, with a per capita average of 27 hours of training.


A target has been included in the 2030 Business Plan regarding Reskilling and Upskilling (30 hours per capita of training).


Training plays a key role in enabling the spread of the pillars of corporate culture on diversity and inclusion issues and in implementing the commitments made in company policies. All personnel in leadership roles within the Group have participated in a dedicated course on inclusive culture titled 'Diversity as a Development Accelerator.'

Furthermore, the participation of all individuals in Valore D Talks is encouraged. These sessions are part of the online training available on the company's intranet, fostering discussions and reflections with experts on topics related to diversity and inclusion.

Year: 2022        Source:  Sustainability ReportBusiness Plan


In 2022, 349 employees (156 women and 193 men) took mandatory and optional maternity, parental, paternity and breastfeeding leave.

For paid parental leaves, Iren follows the Italian labor law regulations. Mandatory maternity leave lasts for a maximum of 5 months with 80% salary, fully supplemented to 100% by the National Collective Labor Agreements (CCNL). Fathers can take up to 10 working days off with full regular pay.

Parents of children under the age of three and pregnant employees in active service are also granted additional remote work days on a monthly basis.


In addition to these possibilities are the specific training provided and the services described under Corporate Welfare. Upon their return to work, all employees were able to resume the job they had filled before their period of absence or a job with equal professional content in cases where organisational changes occurred in the meantime that meant they could not return to the same position.

Year: 2022        SourceSustainability Report