The ambition of the Strategic Plan

Iren’s main ambitions declared in the Business Plan to 2030 are: to establish itself as a leader in the green transition, to become reference partner in the territory and to be the first choice of stakeholders for the highest levels of service quality offered.


These ambitions can be translated into the three strategic pillars that underpin the investment plan: Green Transition, Value creation from territories and Service Quality.

Iren strategic pillars


Green Transition, to accelerate sustainability in all business sectors

Acceleration in the green transition is realized by achieving 2 GW of renewable capacity (hydro, solar and wind), including through the creation of widespread energy communities, and the decommissioning of the only thermoelectric plant not connected to the district heating network. These actions combined with decarbonization initiatives in all other businesses will allow Iren to halve its carbon intensity reaching 176 gCO2/kWh in 2030. The target set by Iren has been validated by Science Based Target Initiative as aligned with the BW2D scenario.


of investments are allocated to sustainable projects supporting the green transition

Iren is committed to becoming a leader in the circular economy through an increase in the percentage of sorted waste collection that will exceed 75% in 2030, the development of 6 new waste selection and treatment plants in addition to the construction of 2 new WTEs and the 4 line in the Turin WTE, reaching 4.4 million wastes treated in the Group's plants in order to increase material and energy recovery. 


Finally, Iren has always paid special attention to the virtuous use of the water resource, recording, already today, a percentage of losses much lower than the Italian average and committing itself to reduce them further, reaching 20% in 2030.

Value creation from territories, maximizing growth opportunities and synergies among all businesses serving the territory


of investments are allocated to reference areas 

Almost all investments are allocated to the territories of reference, expanding territorial roots by expanding the range of services offered, increasing the user base of all businesses and making available to the national system the expertise gained by Iren. The creation of value from territories is based on the need to build new infrastructure and facilities in various areas where, in collaboration with institutions, it is also possible to develop projects supported by public/private partnerships or make use of PNRR funds.

Service quality, to be the first choice of reference in the area


of investments are allocated to increase Iren’s service quality

The set goals related to the expansion of the customer base and the extension of services will be possible thanks to the excellence of services offered. High service quality will be supported by investments in digitization and a commitment to maximum customer satisfaction with increased local physical presence and internalization of key customer management activities.