An investment plan with low execution risk, high predictability of results, and a high degree of flexibility

The business plan update envisages a gross investment of 8.2 billion euros, of which 60% relates to development investments and 40% to maintenance. The current investment plan differs from the previous one by increasing projects in regulated businesses, a slowdown of RES capacity development, the rescheduling of waste management development plants and the reduction of inorganic deals. In this regard, around 94% of the planned investments are related to organic growth and only 6% to consolidation, tenders and M&A, 85% of which have already been identified and are being finalised (EGEA and Sienambiente).


In addition, 80% of cumulative investments are focused in the regulated sectors, in order to upgrade, modernise and digitise grid services, develop renewable capacity through PPA contracts and incentives, extend district heating, and improve the service quality of municipal waste collection.


The plan concentrates most of investments intensity in the first four years of the plan and is characterised by low execution risk, high predictability of results and a high degree of flexibility that allows development cash out to be modified in time if necessary.

a scheme of Iren Group investment plan


70% of investments are eligible for the European Taxonomy and are directed to projects that contribute to the achievement of set sustainability targets, especially to support city resilience, decarbonization projects, water conservation, and the circular economy. 



Water resources


Circular economy




Resilient cities

~ 70% Sustainable Capex (Eligible for EU Taxonomy)

Investments and new projects in all businesses 

The investments set out in the 2024-2030 Business Plan will enable Iren to design the future of the territories and become the partner of choice for the communities in the coming years, and include a substantial increase in EBITDA with the achievement of 1.8 billion euros in 2030. The significant increase in EBITDA +600 million euros is generated by the positive contribution of all business sectors. The greatest support for growth is provided by regulated and semi-regulated activities, particularly the integrated water service and the increase in waste treatment and recovery capacity, the development of renewables, and the development of energy efficiency services and the energy customer base. 



Waste Management



Networks: 2.8 billion euros for value creation in strategic areas and service excellence


The investment plan provides for 2.8 billion euros aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of services with strong growth in the RAB, which will reach almost 4.5 billion euros in 2030. Of the investments, 58% are for integrated water service, for upgrading and increasing the resilience of the network, developing purification plants and improving the quality of service. 29% of grid investments are earmarked for the electricity distribution in order to allow the evolution of the infrastructures, adapting them to be more resilient with respect to climate change, to support higher capacities due to the electrification of consumption, continuously pursuing operational efficiency, necessary to provide the best service at affordable levels to citizens. 13% of network investments are earmarked for gas distribution, in particular aimed at maintaining the current infrastructure in the target territories, completing the pipeline replacement plan and making them ready for the distribution of hydrogen mixtures. The consolidation of EGEA will support the growth of the RAB of the integrated water service and gas distribution.


The planned investments, the review of regulatory parameters and the synergies envisaged allow for an EBITDA of 695 million euros in 2030 (+ 320 million euros compared to 2023).







~ 2.8 Bn Eur


Crescita EBITDA

Waste Management: 1.6 billion euros for waste collection expansion to support energy and material recovery thanks to new facilities

The circular economy is confirmed as the guide of the waste management sector, which makes provision for an investment plan of about 1.6 billion euros. 64% of this is earmarked for plant development related to waste treatment with 6 new plants on innovative supply chains (sludge treatment, organic fraction treatment, photovoltaic panel disposal, WEEE management, liquid waste treatment, MBT) and energy recovery with 2 new waste-to-energy plants and a fourth line to upgrade the existing plant in Turin, to enable territories to achieve full autonomy in urban waste management. The remaining 36% is devoted to collection activities for territorial development, through consolidations and tenders, for the increase of separate collection supported by the extension of the punctual pricing model, for the improvement of service quality together with cost efficiency, through the adoption of automated urban waste collection processes.


These investments enable EBITDA of 440 million euros to be achieved in 2030 (+195 million euros compared to 2023). 


Treatment and disposal



1,6 Bn €



Energy: 2.5 billion euros for the progressive decarbonization of generation sources thanks to the development of renewables

The goal of decarbonising the generation fleet drives investments to 2030 through the increase of electricity generation capacity from renewable sources to over 2 GW (including hydro) in 2030 through the development of new greenfield solar and wind capacity and the development of energy communities.


In the hydropower sector, investments are planned for infrastructure safety and the renewal of expired concessions. With regard to natural gas-fired thermoelectric plants, the next few years will be characterised by the completion of efficiency and flexibility measures for cogeneration plants, also thanks to the installation of air-cooling plants', the development of district heating and the decommissioning of thermoelectric generation assets not functional to district heating (expected after 2027). Energy efficiency activities will be oriented towards energy upgrading projects for residential condominiums and public administration buildings also through public-private partnerships.


In support of these projects, a total of 2.5 billion euros is planned for investments aimed at supporting the achievement of an end-of-plan EBITDA of 440 million euros (+61 million euros compared to 2023, a year, however, positively impacted by extraordinary effects on the energy scenario and the Superbonus incentives totalling about 100 million euros).








Energy Efficiency

2,5 Bn Eur



Market: 700 million euros to support the consumption electrification and retail clients

Iren's commitment is aimed at increasing customer value, thanks to higher expected electricity consumption and to the further boost given by IrenPlus services/products, and at reducing the churn rate following the improvement of service quality, and a rebalancing of the mix of acquisition channels in favour of pull channels. Added to this is the development of 200 MW of 'seller' model energy communities. This model involves the sale of solar panels and the provision of services related to the management of the electricity produced. In 2030, the objective is to reach 2.6 million customers, with the main focus on electricity customers, also thanks to the complete liberalisation of the market subject to additional safeguards.


To support this commitment, investments of EUR 700 million are planned, which will allow the achievement of EBITDA of EUR 210 million (an increase of EUR 90 million compared to the standard profitability of the business unit).