
Company Profile

Our business model aims to merge development and sustainability into a single value. Everyday, we provide services and create infrastructure to improve and enhance local territories, in full respect of natural resources, the environment and customer citizens.

Company strategy

The Iren Group aims to be the reference partner in the area, to establish itself as leader in the ecological transition and to be the first choice of stakeholders for the highest levels of service quality offered.

Stock in the stock market

Iren's real-time stock quotes and information on stock performance, dividends, market capitalisation, and changes in share capital. Go to the section to learn more.

Title performance

Financial calendar

Do not miss the events of the Iren Group. To learn about all corporate events for the current year, visit the dedicated section.

Upcoming Event

Jun 25, 2024

Industrial Plan presentation

It will be possible to follow the event starting from 4:30 PM on June 25, 2024, by accessing the link below. The recording will then be uploaded to the same link at the end of the event.

Financial Profile

The Iren Group makes available all information on its financial profile, with particular reference to debt, credit rating, bond issues, and balance sheet. Access the in-depth page to learn more about the issues.

Risk Management

The Enterprise Risk Management model is one of the main elements of the System of Internal Control and Risk Management (SCIGR). Learn more about the model, activities, the role of the Risk Management Department, and find out what the different types of risk are.

Financial Statements and Presentations

See the documents used by Iren when presenting its Business Plan, economic and financial results, and during meetings with investors. Financial report, analyst presentation, webcasting link, and press releases are available and can be downloaded.

ESG Rating 

A strategic tool to support investors and identify risks and opportunities, in terms of sustainability, in their investment portfolio.

See ESG ratings issued by major rating agencies.

Financial press releases

Fitch confirms the Group's rating at “BBB” and changes the outlook to “stable”
The rating agency Fitch ratings (Fitch) today confirmed the long-term credit rating of the Iren Group at "BBB" the same rating is also attributed to senior unsecured debt. At the same time, the Agency announced that it had changed the outlook on the Company to “Stable” from “Positive”.
Filing of the meeting minutes
In relation to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on 27 June 2024, Iren S.p.A. informs that the minutes and the related attachments are available to the public
Standard & Poor's confirms the Group's rating at BBB with a stable outlook
The rating agency Standard & Poor's Global Ratings (S&P) today confirmed the long-term credit rating of the Iren Group at "BBB" Outlook "Stable". The same rating is also attributed to senior unsecured debt.
Iren, independence requirements for directors
On 4 July 2024, in relation to the resolutions of the Shareholders' Meeting of Iren S.p.A. of 27 June 2024 with reference to point 1) of the Agenda "Appointment of a member of the Board of Directors following co-optation pursuant to art. 2386, paragraph 1, of the Civil Code: related and consequent resolutions", the Company's Board of Directors has ensured the requirements established by current legislation and the Corporate Governance Code of listed companies, according to the governance solutions adopted by Iren S.p.A., headed by Prof. Paola Girdinio, appointed Board Member by the Assembly until the approval of the financial statements as of 31 December 2024.
The approval provision relating to the EGEA operation has been published
We inform that today ,28 June, the Sixth Civil Section - Insolvency Procedures of the Court of Turin has published the approval provision, pursuant to the Crisis Code, relating to the debt restructuring agreements concluded by EGEA Spa, EGEA PT and EGEA Commerciale with its financial creditors, its bondholders and its suppliers, as well as the tax transaction proposals formulated to the Agenzia delle Entrate and the Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli.
The Shareholders' Meeting of IREN S.p.A. approves the Financial Statements for the year 2023
Today, the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of IREN S.p.A. approved the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2023 of IREN S.p.A., the Report on Operations and the proposed allocation of the profit for the year amounting to EUR 172,284,624.39, as resolved by the Board of Directors on 18 April 2024
Iren decides on the dismissal of Dr. Paolo Signorini for just objective cause
The Board of Directors of Iren SpA, in today's meeting, taking into account the investigation conducted both by the Remuneration and Appointments Committee (also in its capacity as Committee for Related Party Transactions) and by the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee, resolved the dismissal of Dr. Paolo Signorini for objective just cause, as a consequence of the objective incompatibility of the doctor's work performance. Signorini, in his capacity as Top Manager of Iren SpA, with the contingent situation that has arisen.
Business Plan 2024-2030: Strategic focus and financial discipline underpin the business plan update
Confirmation of a strategic vision based on decarbonisation and the protection of resources, the high quality of services offered and strong territorial roots. Robust investment plan, based on organic investments, visible in expected returns, being mainly focused on regulated sectors, and flexible, with the possibility to modulate development investments over time. Plan investments of around 8.2 billion euros will enable a margin growth of more than 600 million euros compared to 2023, with an expected EBITDA of around 1.8 billion euros and a net profit CAGR to 2030 of +7%.
Iren signs with European Investment Bank a new green financing, totalling 200 million euros
Iren SpA and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have signed a new €200 million, 18-year green-format credit line, that will be used to support the Group's sustainable investments over 2023-2027 related to electricity grid resilience projects. The investments, totalling around 330 million euros, are intended for the maintenance, upgrading and development of electricity distribution networks, as well as the installation of new smart meters in the Iren Group's historical territories such as Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont, and in particular in the municipalities of Parma, Turin and Vercelli.


Head of Investor Relations

Giulio Domma

Investor Relations


Alex Corradini

Investor Relations 


Carlotta Scarrone