
Iren underwrites two credit lines totaling €200 million linked to the achievement of sustainable targets

23 Jan 2024

IREN has signed with Unicredit and BPER two Sustainability linked revolving credit facilities (RCF) in the form of "committed" lines for a total amount of €200 million with a duration of 3 years.

Transactions are aimed at IREN's consolidation of its liquidity profile to support its current rating levels and, at the same time, reconfirm the Company's strong commitment to expanding its portfolio of Sustainable Finance instruments.

These operations, together with the recently issued fifth Green Bond, reinforce the integration of sustainable goals into the Group's financial strategy while diversifying the instruments used according to the guidelines represented in the Sustainable Financing Framework. Both loans, of the KPI Linked type, include a premium/penalty mechanism linked to the achievement of specific environmental objectives included in the Framework: reduction of atmospheric emissions (Scope 1) and water losses.


The chosen indicators are also linked to three United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): number 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), number 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and number 13 (Climate Action).


Giovanni Gazza, Chief Financial Officer of Iren commented "The signing of these two new credit lines, along with the highly successful Green Bond issuance that has just taken place, further strengthens Iren's financial flexibility, integrating financial needs with the sustainable strategic vision that the Group pursues to 2030. The success of these operations stems from the solid creditworthiness that the market recognizes us and has enabled Iren to further diversify its sources of financing. Today, about 80 percent of Iren's total debt is composed of green and assimilated instruments, demonstrating the solidity of the sustainability strategy that represents, for the Group, the basis for all future growth projects."

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