
Notice of filing of Information Document on a Significant Related Party Transaction

16 Jun 2022

Iren S.p.A. announces that it is made available to the public at the registered office and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. the information document relating to the operation, qualified as of greater importance, concerning the award...

by Iren Smart Solutions S.p.A. (wholly owned, indirectly, by Iren S.p.A.), of the open procedure published by the Municipality of Turin for the assignment of a concession, through Project Finance, pursuant to art. 183, paragraph 15, of Legislative Decree 18 April 2016 n. 50, of plant and energy redevelopment activities aimed at improving the efficiency of the properties owned by the same Municipality of Turin, including management and maintenance.

The document is also available on the website, section Trasactions with related parties, as well as on the mechanism authorized storage 1Info Sdir Storage.

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