Credit rating S&P - Fitch



Following the update of the Business Plan to 2030 and the presentation of the economic and financial results, both rating agencies deemed there were conditions to confirm the rating or outlook for the Iren Group's long-term creditworthiness and senior unsecured debt. In particular, S&P confirmed the rating to "BBB" Outlook "Stable", while Fitch confirmed the rating at BBB, changing the Outlook to "Stable" from "Positive".

Standard & Poor’s

  • Last update 24/07/2022
  • Long term Issuer Default Rating BBB
  • Outlook Stable


  • Last update 26/07/2024
  • Long term Issuer Default Rating BBB
  • Outlook Stable



Fitch confirms the Group's rating at “BBB” and changes the outlook to “stable”

On July 27, 2024 the rating agency Fitch ratings (Fitch) confirmed the long-term credit rating of the Iren Group at "BBB" the same rating is also attributed to senior unsecured debt. At the same time, the Agency announced that it had changed the outlook on the Company to “Stable” from “Positive”.


The confirmation of the “BBB” rating reflects the Group’s well-integrated and diversified business mix, mainly exposed to regulated and quasi-regulated activities. This, combined with prudent management and hedging strategy, allows for stable earnings even in the presence of volatility in the energy markets. The Agency also assesses the Group’s liquidity profile as adequate.


Fitch also highlights the solid management conducted by the current Management which, despite recent governance-related events, has allowed the update of the Business Plan to 2030 to be set up. The Plan envisages disciplined organic growth combined with the imminent integration of the Egea Group and sees Iren committed to maintaining the “BBB” rating with a solid and wide margin that allows it high financial flexibility.


The continuity of the Group’s financial policy remains consistent with the “BBB” rating and a “Stable” Outlook. The Agency, moreover, recognizes that Iren has achieved better results than expected in 2023 and in the first months of 2024 with a positive trend expected in the 2024-2028 time frame.


Standard & Poor's confirms the Group's rating at BBB with a stable outlook

The rating agency Standard & Poor's Global Ratings (S&P) today confirmed the long-term credit rating of the Iren Group at "BBB" Outlook "Stable". The same rating is also attributed to senior unsecured debt.


The rating judgment comes following the update of the industrial plan to 2030 which maintains a strong focus on regulated activities with a remodulation of overall investments.


The stable outlook reflects the expectations of maintaining the net debt/EBITDA ratio of no more than 3.5x and management's commitment to maintaining the current rating judgment and careful financial discipline.


The confirmation of the rating, from a financial point of view, expresses the adequacy of the Group's liquidity, the high credibility on the capital market and the strong relationship with the banks, as well as solid and prudent risk management.


Rating History