ESG Ratings and indices 

ESG assessments support investors by enabling them to identify sustainability-related risks and opportunities in their investment portfolio and to develop sustainable investment strategies. Iren is evaluated by various ESG rating agencies.



CDP Climate Change 2021 assesses transparency and reporting on strategies, governance, goals related to environmental performance, and management of risks and opportunities associated with the effects of climate change. Iren achieves A-level, plus Supplier Engagement Leader Rating (SER) obtained for the involvement of its suppliers in the fight against climate change.



MSCI assesses the exposure to and ability to manage risks and opportunities related to ESG factors, across several topics: CO2 emissions, water stress, opportunities in renewables, other pollutant emissions and waste, human capital, corporate governance and corporate conduct.

In this rating, Iren obtains A out of a maximum of AAA. 




In the Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating – which analyses the relevance of environmental, social and governance issues and how the company manages the risks arising from these issues – the Group earned 29.6.




ISS ESG - which assesses ESG performance on the basis of around 100 indicators divided into 6 macro-areas - gives Iren a B- rating.

ESG indices include company shares with strong sustainability profiles, with the aim of providing socially responsible investors with a method of evaluation based on the premise that businesses with sustainable approaches to environmental, social and governance issues outperform their competitors in the long term. In 2021, Iren’s stock was included in the Euronext MIB ESG Index, the first ESG index designed by Euronext to identify large Italian listed issuers with ESG best practices. Iren is also included in several ESG indices issued by FTSE Russell, Euronext, Bloomberg and STOXX.



In the ESG Assessment by Moody’s, one of the largest global rating agencies, the Group gets a rating of 63 (advanced) out of 100.



Iren participates in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment by S&P, one of the leading global rating agencies. The score assigned for 2023 is 63/100 (evaluation on the 88/100 percentile).



For the fourth year, Iren Group has been included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), which measures gender equality based on five pillars: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay equity, inclusive culture, antiharassment policies and advocacy towards women. In 2023, the index gave Iren a rating of 72.09 out of 100.