Organisational chart

The Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Board Committees and the Delegated Bodies, on which the corporate functions and Business Units depend, constitute an integrated model in which roles and responsibilities are defined and which ensures that risks and opportunities arising from the economic, social and environmental context are considered in relevant corporate decision-making processes and managed in operations. 


The Governance chart is under review and will be made available shortly: on May 7, 2024, the Board of Directors of Iren urgently convened, in an extraordinary session, following the dissemination of press reports regarding a precautionary measure ordinance issued against the CEO Paolo Signorini by the Judicial Authority of Genoa. The Board of Directors, acknowledging the objective temporary impossibility for the CEO to exercise his delegations and with the aim of ensuring stability and continuity in the company's management, activated what is provided for in the internal contingency plan of the Group and decided to temporarily revoke the CEO's delegations, assigning them to the other two Delegated Bodies. For further information, please refer to the press release.

ESG Strategic Integration Committee

The integration and monitoring of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) factors, from strategic planning to the management and monitoring of the Group’s activities, is entrusted to the ESG Strategic Integration Committee. The Committee is responsible for analysing scenarios, regulatory environment, risks and opportunities to integrate sustainability into strategy and processes, analysing the Group’s ESG positioning and proposing improvement initiatives, evaluating periodic results and progress in ESG integration policies, and disseminating the culture of sustainability.


The Committee is composed of: CFO, Procurement Director, Logistics and Services Director, Communication, External Relations, and Public Affairs Director, Corporate Social Responsibility Director, and Territorial Committees (with coordination functions), Personnel Organization Director, Risk Management Director, Finance Manager, Investor Relations Manager, and Strategic Planning and Control Manager.


Sustainable Finance Committee

The Sustainable Finance Committee is responsible for defining the sustainable finance framework and is formed to identify and select investments, activities and projects deemed eligible for access to sustainable finance instruments, monitor the progress of financed projects/activities and ensure the proper management of the process throughout the life of the financing.


The Sustainable Finance Committee consists of: CFO, Corporate Social Responsibility Director and Territorial Committees, Strategic Planning and Management Control Manager, Sustainable Finance Manager, and Investor Relations Manager.